Sunday, February 19, 2017

MC 105 Video Production Schedule of Deadlines for Finals

MC 105 Classes, here's the timeline for your short film work for the finals. Giving this in advance so you could effectively plan on your schedule because I understand the pressure you are all going through.

Monday Class:

February 20 - Deadline for 3 Scene Treatments that I will have to choose from for your 10 minute short film. Consultation will be done in class after watching your documentary films.

February 27 - Deadline for Solo Scene clips worth 1 minute. Samples will be given again in class.

March 6 - Deadline of Submission of Final Script and Shot list.

March 20 - Deadline of Submission for Final Films

Wednesday Class:

February 22 - Deadline for 3 Scene Treatments that I will have to choose from for your 10 minute short film. Consultation will be done in class after watching your documentary films.

March 1 - Deadline for Solo Scene clips worth 1 minute. Samples will be given again in class.

March 8 - Deadline of Submission of Final Script and Shot list.

March 20 - Deadline of Submission for Final Films

Submission of Final Films is still subject to change. But work on this timeline for now. Viewing of final films will be scheduled as soon as the class agrees on a certain date during the finals week.

MC 400 Web Design - Instructions for Pre Final Proposal and Consultation

Here is the Dropbox Link for the Web Development Proposal Template:

I already have the list of groupings for each class. You are not required to go to class this week for the consultation but I will be staying in the Editing Bay during our class time just in case there those who are ready for the consultation.

Here is the schedule of my consultation times. This is for both classes. First come, first served (yes, it should be in the past participle form). All consultations will be at the Editing Bay in the Humanities Division.

Monday      - 6 - 7:30 pm
Wednesday - 6 - 7:30 pm
Friday         - 1:30 - 4:00 pm
                   - 5:30 - 7:00 pm

The consultation is part of grading your paperwork which is 35% of your Pre-Final Grade. See you.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

HUM 1 Midterm Final Assessment Guidelines

Individual Requirement:


Films to be Reviewed:

Kasambuhay Habambuhay Short Film Anthology (Choose only 3)

  • Silup
  • Tingala Sa Baba
  • Sign Seeker
  • The Howl and the Fussyket

Please use the following format to write your film review for the short films that was viewed in class just recently. 

Your Name
Name of Film
Genre (use your judgment)

Introduce the film you saw. Be sure to include any background information about the film that may be interesting to the read.  Also, introduce the director and stars.  At the end of the introduction have a thesis stating your opinion of the film; was the film worth screening?  Be creative in your wording of the thesis.

Plot Synopsis
Provide a BRIEF plot summary of the film.  Is the plot original or cliché?  Is the plot predictable?  Please do not give away endings, but you still must show competent knowledge of the film.

What was the main theme of the movie?  Does the movie teach the viewer anything about life, love etc.?  Include what these themes are as well as how they are conveyed to the reader

Visual Elements
How was the film’s visual appearance?  Is there anything interesting about the camera work (angles, shots, etc.) or the set designs (costumes, locations) or the lighting (light/dark).

Conclude the review with your opinion of the film.  Be creative and try to persuade the reader to either see or not see the film based on your review.  Also, rate the film.  You can do this with thumbs up/down, a scale of 1-10 or any other of a million possibilities.

Word Document Format:
Letter Size 
1.5 space 
Font Size 12 
Font Face - Times, Arial or Garamond only
File Name - (Family Name - film review)

Submit your discussion in the dropbox links below. Make sure you submit it in the correct dropbox that has your schedule. Deadline on February 13 at 11:59 pm

8:45am -

10am -

Group Requirement:

Exploring Davao's Artworks

1. Go to a significant place in Davao that has visual artworks like a sculpture or a painting.
2. Take a picture of your chosen artwork. Make sure you get the name of the artist. (should be from davao)
3. Discuss thoroughly the elements and principles of design that are prevalent in the artwork chosen. Talk also about function of the said art and the elements that makes it effective.
4. Put at least 3 pictures of the artwork and type your discussion in a MS Word document. File name should be your group number and class time. Use the same format as the individual exam.
5. Submit your discussion in the dropbox links below. Make sure you submit it in the correct dropbox that has your schedule: Deadline on February 15 at 11:59 pm

8:45 am -
10am -

Sunday, February 5, 2017

MC 105 Vid Prod Script Elements And Waiver for Documentary Film

Here's the link to the screenwriting elements that you would need for the correct for format of your scripts:

Here are some sample waivers that you could use for your interviewees. Each group is required to ask their interviewees a waiver especially if the subject matter is sensitive. A copy of the signed waiver has to be submitted to me as part of the requirement for midterms.

Please submit your scripts in the following dropbox links:

Monday Class -

Wednesday Class -

Deadline for the scripts will be at 11:59 pm the day before each class.