Friday, April 22, 2016

HUM1 Summer Class Prelim Written Requirement


1. Visit the following websites. The second link is a virtual tour of the national museum.

2. Choose one of the artworks that is featured in the Fine Arts Section of the museum. Include the picture and title in your word document.

3. Then answer the following questions:
    a. Identify the elements and principles used in the said artwork. Explain in your own      
       words how did the those work together in creating the said masterpiece that you have          identified.

    b. What is the relevance of the title of the work?

    c. Discuss the artwork's significance in our history and society.

4. Upload your word document in the following dropbox links

3:20 Class -

5:15 Class -

DEADLINE will be on Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 12 noon. 

Reminder - Email me also the written requirement (picture with discussion) of your practical output

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